702-427-9444 cell & text Keith@StartToPack.com

Las Vegas Veterans Day Parade –

I would like to personally Thank all the Veterans of our Country.  It was an honor to support the Vietnam Veterans of America Henderson & Boulder City Chapter 1076 in the Las Vegas Veterans Day Parade.  It was a beautiful sunny day for a parade and the streets were lined with people.  We had several members of Chapter 1076 participating in the parade including Robert Lough.  Robert was honored on February 4th as February Veteran of the month by Gov. Brian Sandoval.  The Las Vegas Veterans Day Parade is one of the largest Veterans Day parades in the country.   It was truly an honor to be part of this and to give a few of the Veterans a ride in my American Flag wrapped vehicle through the parade.  Several of the Veterans walked in front of my vehicle carrying their banner and shaking hands with many as they walked the parade route.  The streets were lined with people clapping and cheering the Veterans on, which at times during the parade, brought a tear to my eye.  The parade ended by traveling under an enormous American Flag which was being held up by two outstretched fire truck ladders.

I am also honored to be affiliated with Homes for Heroes in which I take 25% of my company’s commission and give it back to heroes towards their closing cost when they either buy or sell a home.  Heroes include Veterans, currently active military, police officers, firefighters, teachers, and medical personnel.  It is my way to say Thank You to those that given so much. Thank you to the local Vietnam Veterans of America Chapter 1076 for allowing me to be a part of the Las Vegas Veterans Day Parade with all of them.  And Thank You to all the Veterans of our country and anyone who is currently active in the military.

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